Thursday, May 4, 2017


Anthuriums are a large group of plants native to Central and South America. Some of the more unusual varieties are easy to recognize thanks to their glossy and wax-like heart-shaped leaves and flowers (which are actually leaves). Anthuriums can grow to approximately 2 to 3 feet tall, depending on the variety. They can be grown from seed indoors, provided the seeds are ripe and have been adequately cleaned.

Step 1

Rub the berries against wire screening to remove any of the leftover pulp from the seeds. Discard all leftover pulp. Clean each of the seeds thoroughly by rinsing them under cool tap water. Lay the seeds on a towel to dry for one to two hours.

Step 2

Mix together 1 cubic foot of finely ground sphagnum peat moss with about 1/3 of a cubic foot of activated carbon granules. You can also use a soil-less media by mixing together equal portions of finely ground bark, perlite and coconut husk fiber.

Step 3

Spread the germinating media evenly into plastic or metal tray. Pour water over the germinating media until it's moistened. Squeeze out any excess moisture.

Step 4

Scoop the germinating media into 3 or 4-inch wide plastic pots. Do not pack the media down. Keep the media loose and well aerated.

Step 5

Dust the anthruium seeds with a powdered fungicide made for seeds to prevent any fungal disease from developing. Place the anthurium on the surface of the germinating media. Gently press them into the soil about 1/8 of an inch. Mist the seeds with water until they appear moistened.

Step 6

Set the pots into a metal or plastic tray that contains a shallow layer of pea gravel. Pour about 1 to 2 cups of water into the tray to keep the pea gravel just barely covered in water. This provides the humid environment anthuriums prefer.

Step 7

Place the tray of pots near a light-filled window out of direct sunlight. A warm temperature should be provided between 80 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Depending on conditions, the anthurium seeds should begin germination in about five to seven days.

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