Monday, May 1, 2017



About Daisies
Daisies are by far one of the most popular flowers in the home garden throughout the Unites States. Daisies earn their popularity for their attractiveness indoors and outdoors, as well as their easy to grow characteristics. Daisies are found outdoors along yard landscapes, beautiful gardens and containers. Inside, daisies are excellent in flower vases due to their long life range after being cut.

Daisy Varieties
There are many different varieties of daisies. Most are perennials, with the white Shasta Daisy being the most popular. Some, like African Daisies, are annuals. Many home gardeners begin their gardening life with easy to maintain plants, making daisies a perfect starter flower.

Planting Daisies
Daisies can be started from seeds sown directly in the garden. They will begin blooming the second year after planting. Choose a well-protected area of the garden that has rich, well-drained soil and receives plenty of sunshine. Mix some compost into the existing garden soil. Level the area and then use a hoe or rake to scratch the top of the soil and toss seeds directly on top. 

Lightly cover the daisy seeds with about 1/8" of an inch of soil. Be sure to keep the area moist until the seeds have germinated. Once the daisy seedlings are two or three inches tall, thin them to one plant per twelve inches of space. Water them only when they appear dry. The young plants can be transplanted to their permanent spots in early fall or the following spring. 

Growing Daisies
Established perennial varieties can be separated by division. This should be done every 3-4 years to avoid over-crowding. Dig up the clump and separate it into groups for replanting. 

When the daisies are in full bloom, cut flowers for indoor arrangements. 

In cold weather regions, provide a thick layer of mulch for winter protection. 

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