Friday, April 28, 2017



Papaya (Carica papaya), large, herbaceous shrubs with fruits that weigh up to 20 pounds, grow well in tropical and subtropical climates, particularly in United States Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 11. The plants can thrive well in colder climates in summer and early autumn, but dies in temperatures below freezing. The inside of papaya fruit contains several tiny black seeds that you can plant to grow your own papaya plant. A gelatinous sac, called a sarcotesta, protects the seeds, but the sarcotesta contains germination inhibitors to slow or prevent seed germination.

1 .Slice the papaya in half to access the seeds in the center of the fruit; cut long, slender fruits in half lengthwise.

 2. Scoop out the seeds with a spoon, and place them in a colander or wire mesh strainer.
3.  Press the seeds against the sides of the colander or strainer to break the sarcotesta. The sides of the sacs will split, and the seeds burst out of the slit.
4.Rinse the seeds thoroughly with warm water to remove all of the juicy pulp.
5.Sread the seeds out on a tray lined with paper towels and allow them to dry completely, turning the seeds at least once to dry them on all sides. Store in a sealed container in a refrigerator for up to three years or until ready to plant. Although you can store seeds for up to three years, their viability decreases with age. Drying is not requireif you plan to germinate the seeds immediately.
6.Mix about 3 1/2 ounces of potassium nitrate in 1 quart of water. Potassium nitrate, commonly known as saltpeter, is available in most garden centers as a fertilizer. This solution helps to decrease germination time, while increasing the total percentage of germination among planted seeds.
7.Soak the papaya seeds in the potassium nitrate solution for about 30 minutes. If you have trouble finding potassium nitrate, soak the seeds in hot water at 158 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 seconds, then soak in room temperature, distilled water for 24 hours to increase the germination rate.
8.Fill 1-gallon containers with a sterile, soil-less potting mixture of equal parts sphagnum peat and perlite or vermiculite. Use at least three containers for best success because papaya plants might be female, bisexual or male. Do not start seeds in seedling trays because papayas transplant poorly; 1-gallon containers ensure the plant requires transplanting only once from the container to the ground.
9.Plant two to four seeds evenly spaced in each container, and cover the seeds with 1/4 to 1/2 inch of soil. Place the container in full sun to partial shade in temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit; choose full sun when possible to achieve maximum fruit production and sweetness.
10.Water the seeds to moisten the soil. Water the seeds regularly to keep the soil moist, but avoid overwatering because wet soil can cause seedlings to dampen off.
11.Apply a complete fertilizer to containers at planting, and repeat once every two months. If you wish to avoid chemical fertilizers, you can add finished compost as a side dressing.
12.Thin seedlings to leave only the best container when seedlings reach a few inches high or have two sets of leaves. Papaya seeds can germinate in as little as two weeks with the potassium nitrate treatment, but can take up to five weeks.
13.Transplant the new papaya plants into the ground in full sun and well-drained soil when they outgrow the original containers. Amend poorly drained, clay soils with organic humus materials, such as compost, straw, leaf mold and grass clippings worked into the soil with a rototiller. If desired, you can transfer the plants to a larger pot, choosing at least a 5-gallon container to accommodate the plants at mature size.

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