Friday, April 28, 2017



These writhing, snakelike gourds hang from the trellis, waiting for harvest. Grown as an annual, the snake gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina var. anguina) is native to India. This unusual gourd is harvested, cooked and eaten while the fruit is still immature. A member of the pumpkin family (Cucurbitaceae), the snake gourd grows quickly once its hard-shelled seeds germinate.
Cracking the Seeds
The outer shells of the snake gourd's seeds are unusually hard, making them difficult to germinate. Even under ideal conditions, the seeds may require a month to germinate, and up to 40 percent of the seeds fail to sprout. To increase the germination rate, carefully crack the hard shell with pliers, much like you'd crack open an almond shell -- place the pliers' jaws on the ridged seam that joins the seed's two halves and press gently until it cracks open. Do this carefully, because if you crush the shell and damage the endosperm inside, the seeds won't sprout.
Soaking the Seeds
After breaking the seam that holds the shell together, soaking the seeds for two to 12 hours helps activate the germination process. Simply place the cracked seeds into a bowl of warm water and place it on top of the refrigerator or in another warm location. After soaking the seeds, plant them in a moist seed-starting mix in large flowerpots or peat pots. Cover the pots with plastic wrap to hold the moisture in. When the sprouts appear, usually within 10 days, remove the plastic wrap.
Paper Towel Method
Some gardeners prefer to use wet paper towels to germinate the seeds. Place a warm, wet paper towel on a plate; then add the cracked seeds and cover them with another wet paper towel. Keep the seeds in a warm location, such as on top of the refrigerator or on a seed-sprouting mat set at 80 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Monitor the seeds and keep the paper towels moist. The seeds generally sprout within two weeks.
After Germination
After the seeds germinate, between 10 and 30 days after planting, the seedlings require regular watering. Once you plant them in the garden, water twice a week or when the soil is dry to the touch. Adding a side dressing of compost three weeks after planting the seedlings provides additional nutrients as the gourd vines grow. The snake gourd plants require a large trellis to support their 4 1/2- to 6-foot-long fruits. In addition, adding a small light bulb to the structure attracts moths to pollinate the night-blooming flowers. Harvest the gourds three months after the seeds germinate.

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