Thursday, April 27, 2017



Sweet corn is an annual with yellow, white, and bi-colored ears. A long, frost-free growing season is necessary after planting. Sweet corn is wind-pollinated, so it should be planted in blocks, rather than in single rows. Early, mid, and late-season varieties extend the harvest. If you miss the optimal harvest time, corn will go downhill fast, as sugars convert to starch.
·         Corn plants are picky about their soil. Work in aged manure or compost the fall before planting and let over winter in the soil.
·         Starting corn seeds indoors is not recommended.
·         Plant seeds outdoors two weeks after the last spring frost date.
·         Make sure soil temperature is above 60 degrees F for successful germination. (Up to 65 for super sweet varieties.) In colder zones, the ground can be warmed by a black plastic cover if necessary. Plant seeds through holes.
·         Plant seeds 1 inch deep and 4 to 6 inches apart. Rows 30 to 36 inches apart.
·         For sufficient pollination, plan your plot right. Don’t plant two long rows, rather, plant corn blocks of at least four rows.
·         You may choose to fertilize at planting time; corn is meant to grow rapidly. If you are confident that the soil is adequate, this can be skipped.
·         Water well at planting time.
·         When your plants are 3 to 4 inches tall, thin them so they are 8 to 12 inches apart.
·         Be careful not to damage the roots when weeding.
·         Soil must be well drained and able to keep consistent moisture.
·         In dry conditions, be sure to keep corn well watered due to its shallow roots. Water at a rate of 5 gallons per sq yard. Mulch helps reduce evaporation.
Corn plants are susceptible to several common garden pests:
·         Raccoons
·         Spotted Cucumber Beetles
·         Flea Beetles
·         Cutworms
·         Harvest when tassels begin to turn brown and cobs start to swell. Kernels should be full and milky.
·         Pull ears downward and twist to take off stalk.
·         Sweet corn varieties lose their sweetness soon after harvesting.
·         Prepare for eating or preserving immediately after picking.
·         Sweet corn freezes well, especially if removed from ears before freezing. Learn how to properly freeze corn.
·         Corn kernels can also be harvested for other purposes, like corn-filled therapy packs

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