Friday, April 28, 2017



Apple trees most commonly are produced through stem cuttings and grafting. They also can be started from seed to produce a suitable root stock for the grafting process. The process of forced germination means coaxing the seeds to grow on a schedule that differs from their naturally occurring timetable. Apple seeds require cold stratification, which you must create in order to force germination successfully.
Harvesting Seeds
You must gather and prepare the seeds properly for forced germination. Seeds removed from apples purchased at a grocery store or produce stand have lower germination rates than seeds harvested from fresh apples picked from a tree just prior to ripening. Locally grown apples also produce seed that is more suited to your climate. Cut away the apple's flesh to reach the core, where the seeds are. Wash the seeds in a sinkful of warm soapy water containing 1 teaspoon of bleach. Remove all pulp from the seeds' surfaces, rinse them with clean water, then lay the seeds out to dry for 24 hours.
Cold Stratification
Apple seeds require a period of cold stratification to break their dormancy and jump-start the germination process. Normally, the seeds receive this stratification as they are left to overwinter out of doors. Because your forced-germination process is on a schedule that differs from the natural cycle, you must re-create the chilling period. Wrap the apple seeds in a moist paper towel, place them in a plastic bag, and seal the bag shut. Store the seeds in a 34- to 40-degree Fahrenheit refrigerator for 60 to 90 days.
Apple seeds require a fertile, well-draining soil in which to germinate. Commercially available seedling mixtures containing peat moss work well, because they are sterile and contain the right combination of textures to supply adequate support. Plant apple seeds no deeper than 1/2 inch. Keep the soil constantly moist but never soggy. Place the planted seeds in a room with bright indirect light and temperatures between 60 degrees and 75 degrees F. Cover the container with a clear plastic dome or bag to trap moisture and raise humidity during germination. Remove the cover, and move the seeds to direct light when they have germinated.

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